The Lake Rebecca Gold Project EL 28/2942 originally covered 150km2 and it has been increased to approx 310km2 after additional exploration license applications were made with EL 28/3029 and E28/3137.
This project is located 150km NE of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. Kula’s exploration license is adjacent to tenements that are owned and under exploration by Apollo Consolidated Ltd’s (ASX: AOP) which are 10km south of recently discovered Lake Rebecca Gold Project (a +1 million oz resource defined and additional exploration drilling is being undertaken).
The Company has used open file aero-magnetics to identify a number of target structures for initial auger drill testing. Limited historic drilling/sampling work has been undertaken over the area. Open file data compilation work and detailed geophysical studies have been completed which have identified two geochemical and co-incident magnetic anomalies on the licence. Early stage soil sampling and drilling has been carried out on the license and further development work is planned for the exploration license.
Other ASX exploration companies that surround Kula’s tenements are shown in the map below and developments surrounding Kurnalpi-Lake Rebecca are noted.
⛏️ October 2021 – Apollo’s Lake Rebecca Gold Project subject to takeover from Ramelius Resources
⛏️ October 2021 – Tenement adjacent to Kurnalpi Project lists on ASX and E79 Gold Mines Limited plans drilling shared Greenstone belt
Stockhead’s The Explorers Podcast: Kula Gold CEO sees continued growth at WA Lithium targets
Kula Gold Limited CEO Ric Dawson joined Stockhead's Explorers Podcast host Barry FitzGerald to talk about the Company's Lithium hunt in Western Australia near Brunswick/Kirup and Southern Cross, and the rest of the Projects in the Company's portfolio. Listen to the Podcast with Kula's CEO below. More from Stockhead: Kula Gold Limited is a Western Australian mineral exploration company with expertise in the discovery of new mineral deposits in Western Australia. The Company’s projects across [...]
Quarterly Activity Report: Period Ending 31/12/2022
⛏️ Kula Gold Limited reports the quarterly activity report for the period ended 31 December 2022. HIGHLIGHTS – (View PDF) The Heli VTEM & Magnetic Survey was extended to define intrusive drill targets at Kula’s Westonia Nickel/PGE/Copper Project. A drilling program has been designed and commenced today. The ground exploration at Kula’s Brunswick Lithium Project identified 11 pegmatite targets, including a large 2km long and up to 300m wide mapped pegmatite. A technical review of [...]
Kula Gold appoints Ric Dawson CEO as Lithium exploration intensifies
⛏️ Kula Gold Limited is pleased to announce the appointment of experienced geologist and mining executive, Mr Ric Dawson as Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Mr Dawson holds a Bsc (applied Geology) from Curtin University and an MBA from the University of Western Australia. He has over 20 years’ experience in gold, nickel, copper and kaolin projects throughout Western Australia and Northern Territory, and as a stockbroker/analyst during that time. Mr Dawson has previously held Manager [...]
Quarterly Activity Report – Period Ending 30/09/2022
⛏️ Kula Gold Limited reports the quarterly activity report for the period ended 30 September 2022. HIGHLIGHTS – (View PDF) A mag survey is being scheduled following the identification of 11 pegmatite targets at Kula’s Brunswick Lithium Project, situated 45km from the Greenbushes Lithium Mine. Further fieldwork is in progress to identify more potential lithium bearing pegmatites. A Heli VTEM & mag survey has been approved and scheduled for November with the aim to refine drill [...]
Kula Corporate Presentation – Brunswick Lithium and Westonia PGE Nickel Gold Focus
⛏️ Kula Gold Limited has released its latest Corporate Presentation focusing on the Company's Lithium exploration at its 100% owned Brunswick Project in South West WA and PGE/Nickel/Gold exploration at its 100% owned Westonia Project amongst the Company's Southern Cross Projects in WA. HIGHLIGHTS – View Full Presentation PDF Brunswick Lithium Project The Project is a large land holding of ~300km2 in South Western WA and ~45km from the world class Greenbushes Lithium Mine in [...]
Kula Gold AGM Presentation – May 2022
⛏️ Kula Gold Limited has released its latest AGM Presentation at the company's Annual General Meeting on 27 May 2022. HIGHLIGHTS ✓ First mover advantage into new areas. ✓ Southern Cross Projects - Under-utilised district gold plants within 60km offer potential to quickly transition into a gold producer with exploration success. ✓ Boomerang Kaolin Project resource estimation H1 2022. ✓ Low operating costs – maximum $ in ground per $ spent – generally close to operating [...]